More than a month after the death of former Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa, her niece Deepa Jayakumar on Tuesday confirmed that she would make her foray into Tamil Nadu politics. Confirming her political ambitions, Jayakumar announced that “a landmark announcement” would be made on February 24, which happens to be Jayalalithaa’s birthday. Speaking to reporters, she said “AIADMK cadres are already welcoming me.” Jayakumar, however, denied reports of BJP extending their support to her. “There are many rumours being spread just to defame me, and people don’t know the reality,” she said. She refused to take on newly anointed AIADMK general secretary Sasikala Natarajan, but said that she cannot accept anyone in Jayalalithaa’s position. Jayakumar also stated that she won’t lay claim to Jayalalithaa’s assets.
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