Simple Project!
Our most popular video is one we made years ago showing how we tumbled glass to fill our flower beds. Time and time again people have asked me about the process. While not a true 'sea glass' this is an excellent approximation especially if you want uniform color or large quantities.
Tumbling glass for decorative purposes is a great way to reuse and recycle it. While not a true 'sea glass' as that is as much a chemical process as abrasion, what we produce is close enough for our purposes. If you do not needs yards of glass this can be replicated using a small rock tumbler, conversely if you need many yards of glass non road worthy cement trucks can be picked up for the price of scrap.
I think this is a very neat project, one that will make your home stand out. I love how the color of the glass changes as it become opaque becoming more intense. Just about anyone can get large amounts of glass for free, with clear, green and brown the easiest. I do not care for the brown tumbled but to each their own. A decent source of colored glass is second hand shops. Tell them you will buy their glass cheap, even if broken. Getting a dollar or two for something that got dropped is way better than nothing. Also artisan glassblowers might be a good source, especially if you do not care about mixed colors.
How to make your own sea glass!
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