Join me for an illuminating discussion with renowned researcher and author Larry Hancock and his coauthor David Boylan as we preview their new book entitled The Oswald Puzzle. In a fascinating two hours we touch upon everything from Marina's request for a washing machine to Oswald's conversations while he was detained after the Carlos Bringuier scuffle.
JFK researchers and authors Larry Hancock and David Boylan take the full
measure of the information collected by the Warren Commission and add
their own extensive historical research to present a highly contrarian
picture of Oswald’s character, political worldview, and personal
agendas. In doing so they explore his relationship with the FBI, his
entanglement by the CIA, and the details of how he came to be used and
ultimately framed for the assassination of President Kennedy.
The Oswald Puzzle engages not only the official picture of Oswald as a
‘lone nut assassin,’ but also with the with the most contentious Oswald
related issues commonly discussed with the JFK research community. It
will be liked by some and passionately opposed by others – but virtually
everyone will find something new in it, and something to talk about.
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