CANTO XXVII of Dante's Paradiso 8th heaven: the Fixed stars. St. Peter's invective + Dante entering the 9th heaven, the Primum Mobile.
PLAYLIST LINK to ALL the 100 VIDEOS IS HERE (save it!): [ Ссылка ]
00:00 Canto XXVII Overview
1:48 An explosion of joy
6:45 Changing colors
8:43 Il luogo mio, il luogo mio, il luogo mio!
14:13 Dante's intransigence
17:45 Blood of the martyrs
21:18 Final prophecy
23:38 Looking up and back down
Music: "The Red", Chevelle [ Ссылка ]
"So lay down, the threat is real
When his sight goes red again.
Seeing red again
Seeing red again"
Translations used for this video: Allen Mandelbaum [ Ссылка ] Robert Hollander [ Ссылка ] Robin Kirkpatrick [ Ссылка ]
PARADISO CANTO XXVII Commentary and Analysis
divine comedydante divine comedydante paradisodante's paradiseparadisoparadise canto xxxiiiparadiso dante lecturedante paradiso summaryparadise 29divine comedy summaryparadise summarydante paradise summaryparadise 27paradiso 27canto 27 paradisecanto 27 paradisodante paradise canto xxviidante's paradise canto 27divine comedy lessondivine comedy lecture