In a small and lovely village, Narges lives in a tent with her three little daughters named Ghazal, Mina and Dunya. Despite the difficult living conditions, this family is always happy and full of energy. Narges is a caring and kind mother who tries her best to raise her daughters in a safe and loving environment. Mohammad, Nargis' fiancé, is a hardworking and determined man who has decided to build a house for his family. He is engaged in construction work with love and enthusiasm and tries every day with hope for a better future. In this way, a young boy named Mershad came to his aid. Mershad is also one of the villagers and he likes to help Mohammad in this work. Ghazal, Mina and Donya each have their own characters. Ghazal is an older girl and is always looking to learn new things. Mina is a playful and energetic girl who is very interested in nature, and Duniya is a younger girl who always asks her mother interesting questions with her innocent eyes. This small family, despite the challenges they have, cooperate with each other and enjoy the moments of life. Together, they not only work on building a new home, but also make life more beautiful with love and friendship.
#family #love #rustic life #motherhood #beautiful girl #cooperation #hope #happiness #nature #friendship #creativity #simple life #support #happiness #family
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