THE WORST LABOR AND BIRTH POSITIONS// There are great labor positions and then there are positions that could hurt you AND baby. YIKES! Learn these 3 and ways to avoid them, even with an epidural.
00:00 - Intro
02:25 - Why I do NOT recommend the sitting on your tailbone labor position and how to reposition for better positioning
05:11 - Pushing on your back has no benefits
14:48 - Curling around your baby while pushing is NOT helpful
19:45 - Preventing tearing
21:35 - Q&A
***Mentioned in Video***
***Peanut Balls in Labor Playlist: [ Ссылка ]
***How to Have a Baby Without an Epidural Playlist: [ Ссылка ]
***How to Move to Make Labor Easier: [ Ссылка ]
Your ticket to being fully prepared for childbirth. It's Lamaze-based!! Enroll Now: [ Ссылка ]
Birth Boldly - what other option do you have? Have the birth of your dreams by taking the first step: FREE download: [ Ссылка ]
125 Labor Positions to Rock Your Birth
FREE download: [ Ссылка ]...
The Ultimate Guide to Taking Control of Your Childbirth is your ticket to being fully prepared for childbirth. It's Lamaze-based!! Enroll Now: [ Ссылка ]
Amazon Shoppers My Personal Storefront: [ Ссылка ]
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THANK YOU FOR WATCHING AND SUBSCRIBING! *All information, and video are the property of Mandy Irby, and should not be used anywhere else before permission has been approved. All thoughts and comments are just that and Mandy Irby will not be held liable for actions of others. If you need advice about a serious problem, please contact a health care provider. The views on this channel are personal opinions only and do not represent the opinions or policies of any provider or institution of which I am affiliated. Furthermore, advertisers, commenters, and linked sites are solely responsible for their own views and content and do not necessarily represent the views of The Birth Nurse or its members.*