Written & Composed By : Shane Lint of Mimirs Well
© 2022 Shane Lint - Mimir's Well USA. All Rights Reserved.
Audio & Video for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling etc not permitted.
Sound: “j” like the “y” in “year”
Stands for: Harvest (or Year or Season)
Color: Brown
Casting meaning: Jera is a rune that represents the cycle of life. With this rune we see that we must go with the flow of nature to obtain the goals we want.
(source : [ Ссылка ] )
#MimirsWellPodcast #MimirsWell #ElderFuthark #NorsePaganism #NorseMeditation #Heathenry #Runes #Norse #Galdr #Meditation #NorseMusic
Jera (Ritual & Meditation Music)
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