The closing ceremony of the seventy-third academic year of the College of Europe takes place in the Concert Hall (‘t Zand, Bruges) on Friday, 23 June 2023 at 14.00
The keynote speaker will be Ms Sigrid Kaag, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Netherlands. Other speakers are Rector Federica MOGHERINI, Mr Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the Administrative Council of the College of Europe, Mr Dirk DE FAUW, Mayor of the City of Bruges , Mr Carl DECALUWE, Governor of the Province of West-Flanders, the President of the Alumni Association, and Student Representatives of the David Sassoli Promotion (Zoé BERTRAND (LAW), Shane GOODMAN (IRD), Luise RITTER (POL), Lucie RABIER (ECO), Adam BEAUNARDEAU-PAMMEN (MATA), Natolin EIS student rep).
Different prizes will be awarded to the students of the David Sassoli Promotion by the Directors of Studies.
Musical interludes by students of the David Sassoli Promotion.
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