Chyavanprasha is a well know Ayurveda formulation mostly utilized to enhance immunity and Health.In Ayurveda, it is classified under the category of (rejuvenation), which aims at maintaining physique, vigour and vitality, while delaying_ageing process.
Chyawanprasha Rasayana or avaleha is a delicious nutritive jam that has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years, offering a wide range of health benefits.
Chyavanprasha can be consumed in all seasons, as it contains ingredients, which are weather friendly nullifying the unpleasant effects due to extreme environmental and climatic conditions. Chyavanprash is prepared in (Indian_gooseberry) base, which is the most useful Rasayana for maintaining homeostasis.
Chyawanprasha Rasayana is a rasyana used at every home since ages. In Sanskrit, the word,
"prasha" refers to a specially prepared food. It is said that two ancient sages Aswinikumaaras of
Ayurveda concocted this particular formula to restore youth to the elderly sage, Chyawana—thus the name, "chyawanprasha.
Mode of administration of Chyawanprash Rasayan is of two types:Kutipraveshika and Vatatapika.
As Amlaki is the main ingredient of chyavanprash it pacifies Kapha and Pitta. It rejuvenates all tissues in the body, it Supports overall strength and energy, promotes muscle mass, builds ojas for supporting a healthy immune response and youthfulness, Supports healthy function of the heart and respiratory systems, improves the reproductive system and kindles Agni.
All the ingredients in the Chyavanaprasha have been scientifically studied individually for their health benefits. Chyavanaprasha is helpful in clearing the accumulated excreta by promoting digestion and excretion.
It is not only hepato protective but also streamlines the metabolism of fat and proteins. It relieves cough, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and respiratory tract infections. It is an immunomodulator drug. It is digestive which improves absorption and assimilation.
If one wants to attain longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from illness, youthfulness, excellence of lustre, complexion and voice, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, perfection in deliberation, respectability and brilliance then he should consume Chyavanaprasha on daily basis.
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