In the small town of Globe, Arizona, Chuck Lee (James Hong) and his teenage granddaughter, Patsy, discover an ancient relic that transports them and her friends to a magical world of Hopping Vampires, Goblin Witches, Zodiac Warriors and Talking Wizards. Our teenage heroes, led by Patsy Lee, must battle monsters and magic in their journey to stop the evil sorceress, Kuang, before she finds the key to the 5 Kingdoms and destroys the entire world!
Zack Ward
James Hong (SAG Award Winner, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Kung Fu Panda, Big Trouble in Little China, Blade Runner, Chinatown)
George Takei (Star Trek)
Bai Ling (The Crow, Crank, Wild Wild West)
Dante Basco (Hook, 16 Candles, Hang Loose (winner Best Supporting Actor National Film Society Awards), Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Matt Sato (lead role of Disney+ series Doogie Kamealoah M.D., High School Musical: The Series)
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