Inspired by a popular webtoon, “Perfect Family” unfolds as a mystery drama that delves into the shadows of once-idyllic households, where dark secrets begin to surface as Choi Jin-hyuk, his wife Ha Eun-joo, and their daughter Sun-hee's seemingly perfect life is shattered when Sun-hee returns home drenched in blood, confessing to possibly killing her friend, and unleashing a wave of suspicion and dread that shakes the very foundation of their home, with the friend's house engulfed in flames and another child mysteriously vanishing, causing the once-peaceful neighborhood to spiral into chaos, as trust erodes among friends and family, and the Choi family’s picture-perfect facade crumbles, forcing them to confront the sinister truths lurking beneath their flawless lives in a dangerous battle to preserve their reputation, their relationships, and ultimately, their sanity.
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