In this gripping episode of Crime Chronicles, we delve into the tragic death of former One Direction star Liam Payne, who passed away on October 16, 2024, after falling from a third-floor balcony at the CasaSur Palermo Hotel in Buenos Aires. Authorities have charged five individuals in connection with his untimely demise:
• Roger Nores: A close friend of Payne, charged with negligent homicide for allegedly abandoning him in a vulnerable state despite being aware of his condition.
• Gilda Martin: Hotel manager, charged with manslaughter for failing to ensure Payne’s safety by allowing him to be taken to his room instead of securing medical assistance.
• Esteban Grassi: Chief receptionist, charged with manslaughter for directing staff to escort Payne to his room rather than keeping him in a safe area until help arrived.
• Ezequiel Pereyra: Hotel employee, charged with supplying drugs to Payne during his stay.
• Braian Paiz: Waiter, charged with supplying drugs to Payne; he has admitted to consuming substances with the singer but denies being his dealer.
Toxicology reports revealed that Payne had traces of alcohol, cocaine, and a prescription antidepressant in his system at the time of his death. The charges against the accused range from drug supply, which carries sentences of four to fifteen years, to manslaughter, with potential prison terms of one to five years.
As the legal proceedings unfold, fans worldwide remain in shock, mourning the loss of the beloved singer.
Stay tuned to Crime Chronicles for the latest updates on this developing story.
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