Driving to and visiting Ialomiței Cave. Drumul spre și vizita la peștera Ialomiței. Final Part
At the end is a short view of the Bolboci Dam. La final este o scurta vedere de pe Barajul Bolboci.
It was very crowded in the Cave, I barely managed to sneak through the people, due to the fact that it was very narrow there.
In Pestera a fost foarte aglomerat abia am reusit sa ma strecor printre oameni, datorita faptului ca era si foarte ingust acolo.
The Ialomiţa Cave is located in the heart of the Bucegi Massif, on the right slope of the Keys Caves on the Ialomiţa Valley, at an altitude of 1530 m. It can be reached either from Sinaia passing between the shed's of Izvorul Dorului and Bolboci dam or from Târgovişte city, on the road that goes up on the Ialomiţa Valley.passing between the Bolboci dam.
Peştera Ialomiţei se află în inima Masivului Bucegi, în versantul drept al Cheilor Peşterii de pe Valea Ialomiţei, la o altitudine de 1530 m. Se poate ajunge cu mijloace auto, pe şoseaua ce urcă din Sinaia, trecând pe lângă cabanele Izvorul Dorului şi Bolboci sau dinspre Târgovişte, pe drumul ce urcă pe Valea Ialomiţei trecâd pe la barajul de la Bolboci.
Ialomita Monastery was built in the 15th century right at the entrance to the Ialomita Cave, being the founded by the voivode of the Romanian Country Mihnea cel Rau.
In the depths of the cave at about 200 m there is a stone, called "Altar Stone", where according to tradition the hermits performed the holy things. In 1818 the hermitage burned down, being rebuilt in a year by the priest Gheorghe Ion Baltag and the hieromonk Gherontie from Pietrosita.
Manastirea Ialomitei a fost ridicata in sec. al XVI chiar la intrarea in Pestera Ialomitei, fiind ctitoria voievodului Tarii Romanesti Mihnea cel Rau.
In adancul pesterii la aproximativ 200 m se afla o piatra, numita „Piatra Altarului”, unde dupa traditie sihastrii savarseau cele sfinte. In anul 1818 schitul a ars, fiind refacut peste un an de catre preotul Gheorghe Ion Baltag si ieromonahul Gherontie din Pietrosita.
Pana la minutul 16:05 drumul catre Manastirea Caraiman plecare din Sinaia
Until 16:05 minute the road through the Caraiman Monastery departing from Sinaia
minutele 16:06-25:15 o parte din drumul cu masina catre Pestera Ialomitei, un drum plin de serpentine si plin de peisaje frumoase!
16:06-25:15 minutes a part of the road by car to Ialomita Cave, a road full of serpentines and full of beautiful landscapes!
25:16-43:28 road through the Cave on foot and her actual visit.
minutele 25:16 - 43:28 drumul spre Pestera la pas si vizita ei propriu-zisa.
43:29 minute View of the Bolboci Dam which is 8 km from Sinaia.
minutul 43:29 Priveliste de pe Barajul Bolboci care se afla la 8 km de Sinaia.
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