⭐️ Getting ready to give a pitch? Or preparing for a big meeting? Need to brush up on your real estate vocabulary and expressions in English? Do you work in real estate and need to communicate in English? Do you find yourself struggling to choose the right words and expressions from time to time? In this video, we'll give you 9 key words that will help you communicate more professionally with clients and colleagues. ⭐️
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🚀Real Estate English Essentials🚀
Want to learn the essentials of real estate English? Our Real Estate English Essentials Course offers a fundamental overview of the most important vocabulary, terms and expressions that you need to know in your job as a real estate professional. Interested? Click here for more info! [ Ссылка ]
🚀English for Telephoning🚀
Knowing the basics of telephoning in English can be a huge help at your job. This course covers the fundamentals you need to know, like how to start a phone call, pronouncing the alphabet for spelling out information, arranging an appointment, voicemail messages and more. Click here for more info:
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🚀 English for Emails🚀
Writing emails is part of what you do every day at your job in real estate. Our basic English for Emails course will walk you through the steps of writing a great email and give you tips for communicating effectively as well as handouts and templates that you can use at work.
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👍Check Out Grammarly To Improve Your Grammar & Writing Style In English 👍
Grammarly offers a comprehensive, automated grammar editing tool that checks for 250+ types of common and advanced English grammar rules. Widely used by students of all levels, business professionals, writers, teachers, job seekers and English language learners. Click here and sign up for free: [ Ссылка ] (Grammarly affiliate).
👍Check Out Grammarly To Improve Your Grammar & Writing Style In English 👍
Grammarly offers a comprehensive, automated grammar editing tool that checks for 250+ types of common and advanced English grammar rules. Widely used by students of all levels, business professionals, writers, teachers, job seekers and English language learners. Click here and sign up for free: [ Ссылка ] (Grammarly affiliate).
⭐️Real Estate English Academy is the place for real estate professionals to boost their English! Need to brush up your language skills for that meeting or presentation? Want to impress your boss or colleagues by knowing the right words to use when talking about real estate investing, market reports, commercial real estate or building specs? Our videos will help you do just that! ⭐️
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Real Estate English Vocabulary Keywords
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