"Why can't all pantomimes be this good?" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Don’t miss our fun-filled family pantomime Sleeping Beauty starring TV favourite, Ore Oduba (Strictly), West End Superstar Carrie Hope Fletcher (Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella), Jennie Dale (CBeebies’ Swashbuckle), Marlowe legend, Ben Roddy and rising star, Max Fulham (Crackerjack).
Once again, the show will be written and directed by the award-winning Paul Hendy and produced by the same team behind the five star Box Office smash-hit, Jack And The Beanstalk, which won Best Pantomime at the 2022 Pantomime Awards.
Book now to bring some Marlowe magic to your Christmas! Best availability in January.
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📅 - Fri 25 Nov 2022 ‐ Sun 8 Jan 2023
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#CarrieHopeFletcher #OreOduba #JennieDale #MaxFulham #BenRoddy #MarloweTheatre #MarlowePanto #TheMarlowe #Pantomime