So hi today whilst doing my evening out, we take a journey on Route 122 on one of the recently transferred E400 MMC Volvo B5LHs from Catford, Number Plate BL65OYY, Fleet Number 13102, the journey was quite packed lol, and also was my first time filming on a E400MMC Volvo B5LH, they’re like Gemini 3s and EvoSetis but they’re Enviro 400s like the others, they’re nice buses and I would wanna film on one again one that ain’t that packed, thought I was getting on one of the new leather seat MMCs on this route but this is ok as it’s got the beachball moquette which is better than the leather ones but those are alright they are comfy and it’s like sitting on a couch but still it was a pretty decent ride but anyways please leave a comment like and subscribe for more thanks.
Route 122
Number Plate BL65OYY
Fleet Number 13102
Operator Stagecoach (Selkent)
Garage Plumstead (PD)
Crystal Palace to Plumstead, Bus Garage
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