Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, Dogon High Priest and founder of the Earth Center shares knowledge about the importance of honoring our ancestors. It is only through our ancestors that we are able reach the Gods the we worship. This clip "Power of the Ancestral Spirit" is from Master Naba's lecture "Ancestors and Human Destiny."
Power of the Ancestral Spirit
lecturemtamreincarnationpower of the ancestorsancestor worshipmaster nabadogon tribekemetic spiritualitykemetic knowledgeimportance of ancestorshow to talk to your ancestorsAncestors and Human Destinyhonor your ancestorsreclaim your culturehumanity and the divinebelief vs knowledgethe difference between spirituality and religionGodsnaba lamoussa morodenibigprophet of the traditionsPower of the Ancestral Spiritthe Earth Center