my upcoming prediction between Amiens and Lyon in week 5
of the 2019/20 French ligue 1 season.
Tip Lyon win 1.72
score Lyon 3-0
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French ligue 1 2019/20 week 5 Amiens vs Lyon prediction
Title contains 'ligue 1'french ligue 1 predictionsamiens vs lyonamiens vs lyon predictionligue 1 week 5 predictionsfrench ligue 1french ligue 1 amiens v lyonamiens vs lyon ligue 1amiens vs lyon ligue 1 predictionsamiens vs lyon ligue 1 2019 predictionsfrench football league predictions2019 amiens vs lyon predictionFrench ligue 1 2019 week 5 amiens vs lyon predictionheaver2019 french ligue 1 amiens vs lyon