Wishing you all a BRAND NEW START! Check out this fun jam that goes with this vid, the lyrics are fitting: [ Ссылка ]
🐬 Practice returning to I AM with this meditation: [ Ссылка ]
Also other meditations on my website are helpful in this) - See the "Game-Changers" tab, and the "Meditation" tab.
🐬 My signature GOD IN ACTION 30/60/90 day life-changing program, custom tailored to your uniqueness and unique needs (length of our work together can be 30/60/90 days depending on what you need), where you will Embody your soul, Live your purpose: [ Ссылка ] ☀️ This program is booked-out for January.
🐬 Divine Harmonizations: Hook up to your Higher Self and receive guidance, nervous system regulation and heaps of divine alignment! These sessions are a powerful experience of the Divine. Book your donation-based Divine Harmonization Meditation (DHM) here:
[ Ссылка ] ☀️
DHMs are a pehaps the quickest way available to us today to get incredibly deeply in touch with our inner light and God's realm of Love. A single Divine Harmonization can bring you into your divine alignment. It will give you what you need according to what you can handle at this time. This is an incredible gift to give yourself, and you only need to pay what you can ☀️
🐬 Private Session (not limited to Divine Harmonization or helping you find your purpose - but really ANY questions/issues you may be having on your sacred path) to discuss and work through whatever's on your heart & mind, book here: [ Ссылка ] ☀️
🐬 Soul Blueprint and Higher Self Connection Session (in this session we'll also read your NUMEROLOGICAL chart, as well as as tune into your Higher Self, to get a full picture of your soul's blueprint for this life, focusing of course on the present and near future): [ Ссылка ] ☀️
🐬 Join our lovely growing come~unity at [ Ссылка ]
Help us grow together! We'd LOVE to have you! ☀️
🐬 Official Website: sunrayteaching.com ☀️
🐬 Insta: @_danielshai_ ☀️
🐬 For queries or invitations email: danielshai@sunrayteaching.com ☀️
#nonduality #enlightenment #iam #consciousness
#messagefromspirit #spiritualawakening #channeledmessage #awakeningprocess #ascensionprocess #5dascension #newearthparadigm #newearth5d #astrology #numerology #prediction
#higherself #lightworker #indigo #starseed #spiritualawakening #authenticliving #activation #soulactivation #authenticity #manifestation #oraclecards #authenticliving #authenticity #spiritual #masculineenergy #feminineenergy #healing #5d #newearth #starseed #lightworkers #tarot
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