Location of Brave Stonehide (Accessories Quartermaster) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
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Play the video to learn how to locate the Brave Stonehide (Accessories Quartermaster) on WOW World of Warcraft Retail.
To locate the Brave Stonehide (Accessories Quartermaster), at Orgrimmar, go to 38.01, 71.87.
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Items that this NPC trades:
- Net-o-Matic 5000
- Greater Inscription of Vicious Intellect
- Greater Inscription of Vicious Strength
- Greater Inscription of Vicious Agility
- Balanced Elven Peridot
- Infused Elven Peridot
- Lucent Lava Coral
- Mysterious Shadow Spinel
- Mystic Lightstone
- Resplendent Lava Coral
- Shattered Elven Peridot
- Splendid Lava Coral
- Steady Elven Peridot
- Stormy Deepholm Iolite
- Tenuous Lava Coral
- Turbid Elven Peridot
- Vivid Elven Peridot
- Willful Lava Coral
- Radiant Elven Peridot
- Major Combat Healing Potion
- Major Combat Mana Potion
- Star's Tears
- Brilliant Ornate Ruby
- Smooth Ornate Dawnstone
- Potent Ornate Topaz
- Delicate Ornate Ruby
- Deadly Ornate Topaz
- Star's Lament
- Stone Guard's Herald
- Combat Mana Potion
- Combat Healing Potion
- Scout's Tabard
- Horde Battle Standard
01: Reckless Shred - Biz Baz Studio
You can also find this npc in other languages, like:
German: Kriegerheldin Steinfell (Rüstmeisterin für Zubehör) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
English: Brave Stonehide (Accessories Quartermaster) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Spanish: Valiente Piel Pétrea (Intendente de accesorios) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
French: Brave Peau-Roche (Intendante des accessoires) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Italian: Guerriera Pelle Salda (Quartiermastro d'Accessori) | Orgrimmar | WOW World of Warcraft
Russian: Храбрец Каменная Шкура (Начальник снабжения аксессуарами) | Оргриммар | WOW World of Warcraft
Korean: 용사 스톤하이드 (보급품 병참장교) | 오그리마 | WOW World of Warcraft
Chinese: 卫兵布莱恩·石皮 (杂货军需官) | 奥格瑞玛 | WOW World of Warcraft
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