In this video is a ceiling cassette drain pump testing. Our serviceman need to take out the drain pump out side and directly test with 220 volt to the drain pump. This test is to know that the pump still working or not. After that our serviceman try to connect the pump with the flexible pipe high up the level. Doing this to make sure that the pump can pressure up the water to the higher level that pump capacity can reach. After that we cut off the electricity immediately to let the water return back to the pump. Doing this can make sure that the pump have check valve to protect the water turn back or not. But this test it can't stop the back flow from the pipe. After everything check we detect that the problem is because of the drain pipe is slope back to the air conditioner. So when the power on the pump always run. After the cut off all water in the main pipe is flow back to the air conditioner so water leakage will happen.
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