Receiving sensor input data from the sensors connected to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. A short Python script allows us to display sensor readings on the Pi terminal.
The high relative humidity readings received from the DHT11 turns out to have been moisture ingress ramping it up, it is at least 3 years old. I will replace the DHT sensor with an accurate one when time allows, which won’t be for a while since we’re in COVID-19 lockdown for the next few weeks.
Ignoring the glaring inaccuracy and choosing to limp on with our dignity barely in tact, we are now able to retrieve sensor data to use elsewhere in our application.
AdaFruit DHT Python library(compatible with all generic DHT series temperature sensors) : [ Ссылка ]
Raspberry Pi GPIO pin diagram: [ Ссылка ]#
Hardware used in this series: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (though other versions would be fine)- [ Ссылка ]
DHT11 Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor - [ Ссылка ]
YL-69 Soil Moisture Sensor (links are just an example, both of my sensors were part of a 30 sensor kit for the Pi bought online) - [ Ссылка ]
PiSupply PiJuice - Uninterruptible Power Supply and Power Management HAT : [ Ссылка ]
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