Title: The Murder of Henry VI – Are Richard III And/Or Edward IV The Killers?
The traditional tale surrounding the murder of King Henry the Sixth is starkly clear: on the night of May 21 to May 22, 1471, the twice-deposed monarch knelt in prayer in the chapel of Wakefield Tower within the Tower of London. It was likely between 11 p.m. and midnight. Despite being only 49 years old, Henry was by then a frail and broken man, worn down by illness and repeated losses. As he was sunken into deep prayer, a blow to the back of his head shattered his skull, relieving his soul from this world.
However, historian Lauren Johnson challenges this narrative in her outstanding 2019 biography of Henry the Sixth. She notes that anyone carefully examining the primary sources will quickly realize that this account was not the version passed down over the centuries. None of the information is undisputed. Indeed, the circumstances surrounding Henry the Sixth’s murder—or Henry of Windsor, as he was known at the time of his death—remain unresolved to this day. Consequently, neither Edward the Fourth nor Richard the Third, who are frequently implicated as either the direct perpetrators or at least responsible parties, have been definitively proven guilty.
This ambiguity warrants a closer investigation of the historical sources and the 1910 examination of Henry’s mortal remains. It also requires grappling with the contentious debates about the details of his death to draw meaningful conclusions. While Edward the Fourth bears significant responsibility, as will be demonstrated, Richard the Third cannot entirely escape scrutiny as well, though his culpability may be less important.
#EdwardIV #RichardIII #HenryVI #WarsoftheRoses #EnglishHistoryDocumentary
I. Introduction 00:00
II. Was it murder at all? What do the contemporary sources say? 02:11
III. On the Investigation of the 1910 year 07:23
IV. When was Henry the Sixth assassinated? 12:08
V. Where was Henry the Sixth assassinated? 15:38
VI. How was Henry the Sixth assassinated? 19:04
VII. What were the motives for the crime? 21:22
VIII. Edward and/or Richard? Who is responsible? 24:11
IX. Conclusion: Edward gave the order – and Richard supervised the murder 27:49
Learn about the Relationship of Edward IV and Richard III:
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And about the Relationship of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville:
[ Ссылка ]
My Wars of the Roses Playlist:
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My Princes in the Tower Playlist:
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Examples for literature used to write the script of the video:
Flantzer, S.: Assassination of Henry VI, King of England (1471)
Henry VI Society: The Kings Death & The Kings TRomb Part I + II
Higgingbotham: S.: The Death of Henry VI
Johnson, L.: The Shadow King – The Life and Death of Henry VI This is one book, I can’t recommend enough
Kendall, P. M.: Richard III
Langley, P.: The Missing Princes
Lewis, M.: How Did King Henry VI Die? & The Princes in the Tower
Novakovic, D.: From Hevyn to Helle’: The Mysterious Death of Henry VI
White, W. J.: The Death and Burial of Henry VI I + II (Essay published in the Ricardian)
Music: I used several songs under the Creative-Commons-Licence from the following artists:
Aakash Gandhi
Aaron Kenny
Amy Lynn & the Honeymen
Asher Fulero
Biz Baz Studio
Brian Bolger
Cooper Cannell
Coyote Hearing
Dan Bodan
Dan Henig
DJ Williams
Doug Maxwell
Esther Abrami
French Fuse
Hanu Dixit
Jeremy Blake
Jimena Contreras
John Patitucci
Kevin MacLeod
Media Right Productions
Mini Wandals
Nathan Moore
Patrick Patrikios
Quincas Moreira
Sir Cubworth
Squadda B
The 126ers
The 129ers
The Tower of Light
The Westerlies
The Whole Other
Trevor Garrod
Twin Musicom
Underbelly & Ty Mayer
Ugonne Onyekwe
All videos and pictures are also under the Common Creative licence, publicly avaible or my own.
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