How to install ActiveMQ using Docker?
1. Pull the latest ActiveMQ image from Docker Hub:
docker pull webcenter/activemq
2. Start the ActiveMQ container:
docker run -d --name activemq -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 webcenter/activemq
3. This will start the ActiveMQ container and bind the default ports (61616 for JMS and 8161 for the Web console) to the host machine.
Verify that the ActiveMQ container is running:
docker ps
4. Verify the installation
To verify, open the ActiveMQ Web console ([ Ссылка ]) in your browser.
Username: admin
Password: admin
ActiveMQ + Docker
ActiveMQRabbitMQIBMMQDockeravaflywayspringbootmicroservicejdk11jdk17jdk8lambdaPostgreSQLdatabaseDB migrationjdbcJPASpring DataspringHibernatemavenIntelliJspring frameworkSQLstored procedurebackendapiEC2awss3spring cloudaws cloudeurekaopenshiftprogrammingpl/sqlt-sqlwebspheretomcatweb fluxwebreactsangularangularjsacidjbossspring datasql serverrediscassandralogstashkibanajaegerkafkarabbitmqjmspublishdocker