The Marathi film 'Bhirkit', directed by Anoop Jagdale, is being discussed on social media. A few days back a poster of the film was flashed, in which Girish Kulkarni, Hrishikesh Joshi, and Tanaji Galgunde were seen on the same scooter. Curiosity about this film has increased with this explosive poster. Finally 'Bhirkeet' is coming in front of the audience on 17th June. The entire team of the film was present in the press conference of the film Bhirkit. #Bhirkit #MonalisaBagal | Girish Kulkarni | Dangal | Scared Games | Deool | Faster Fane | Chala Hawa Yeudya | Kushal Badrike | | Sagar Karande | Hrishikesh Joshi |
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