The 1992 opening sequence for "Bugs Bunny & Friends," a syndicated package of Turner-owned Warner Bros. cartoons that aired on Cleveland ABC station WEWS early Saturday mornings before network programming began. The opening titles consist of various clips from cartoons played under the "Merrie Melodies Main Title Music" track from the 1991 CD "Bugs Bunny on Broadway."
This seems as if this was the perhaps the final year that Turner offered a package of Warner cartoons to local stations, since the company was about to launch Cartoon Network that year and wanted to make its various holdings exclusive to its cable networks. Interestingly, WEWS was also the longtime home to Warner Bros.' "Porky Pig & Friends" syndication package before that was no longer offered in 1990.
And strangely, the title sequence ends with, of all characters, Inki and the Minah Bird. Inki cartoons were quietly being pulled from television at this time.
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