I have been a Logic user for 15 years and am switching to LUNA! I had an issue soloing buses with send from other buses in LUNA and figured I should make this video to explain soloing in LUNA. I am loving the product but it just does some things a bit differently than the DAW I have been using. Hope this video helps someone!
Soloing Buses With Sends From Other Buses In LUNA
Soloing Buses With Sends From Other Buses In LUNALUNA tutorialSoloing in lunasoloing issues in lunaluna vs. logic pro xSafe Solosoloing buses in lunaeffects buses in lunahow sololing works in lunaluna recording systemuniversial audioSwithcing from logic to lunaluna tipsluna dawusing luna to mixswitching to lunahome recordingthe home recording networkeffects sends in lunaluna issuesproblems with lunauadluna for dumbiesuad luna