Sushant Singh Rajput's family lawyer Vikas Singh said that actor Rhea Chakraborty will soon be summoned by CBI. Singh said that the Jalebi actor will be summoned only after the questioning of other people related to the case. He added that Rhea may be arrested if she 'doesn't cooperate with the probe'. "Supreme Court verdict has recently come. We are hoping things to go in the right direction. Rhea Chakraborty will be summoned by CBI after it has done its spadework. CBI is examining everybody. Once CBI is able to do their homework properly, they will grill Rhea. If Rhea doesn't cooperate with probe, possibility of her arrest will arise. I'm quite hopeful that investigation is going in right direction," Vikas Singh said. Meanwhile, Rhea's lawyer Satish Maneshinde said that Rhea and her family haven't received any summons from CBI so far. He added that If they receive a summon, they will appear before CBI. Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead in his Mumbai residence on June 14.
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