Episode 14: Experience the atmosphere at the Western Wall during the Jewish morning prayer ritual.
Virtual Walking Tours in Israel by Ofer Moghadam
Walking the streets of Israel in silence.
No comments. No distractions.
Welcome to #Jerusalem, #HolyCity to all three monotheistic religions. In this video, we will stroll through the #WesternWallPlaza in Jerusalem’s #OldCity.
The #WesternWall, also referred to as the #WailingWall is considered the most important #Jewish religious site in the world. Why is it so important that Jews from all over the world want to visit and pray at this site?
The story begins with #KingDavid, who according to the #Bible conquered the #Canaanite city of #Jebus. #David turned #Jebus into the #capital of his kingdom and decided to build a #TempleToGod atop #MountMoriah, where according to the #Bible the #PatriarchAbraham had attempted to sacrifice his son #Isaac. Since #David was a man of war who had blood on his hands, #God did not allow him to build that #Temple. It was, however, David’s son #Solomon who would build that #FirstTemple on #MountMoriah - above the city of #Jerusalem – in the 10th century BCE.
The #Temple in #Jerusalem was therefore the #HouseOfGod, whose focal point had been the #HolyOfHolies, which contained the #ArkOfTheCovenant, which in turn contained the #Shekhinah, i.e. the presence of #God on earth.
The #FirstTemple was destroyed by the #Babylonians in the year 586 BCE, after which the #SecondTemple was built by those who returned from the #Babylonian exile in 540 BCE. In the year 20 BCE, during the #RomanOccupation of the #LandOfIsrael, #KingHerodTheGreat decided to remodel the #SecondTemple by enlarging it drastically. The idea had been to create a #platform around the #Temple, which would be able to hold the tens of thousands of #JewishPilgrims who were mandated to come and give sacrifice at this site during the three #PilgrimageFestivals of #Pessach (#Passover), #Shavuot (#Pentecost) and #Sukkot (#Tabernacles).
In the year 66 CE the #Jews of the #LandOfIsrael stood up and revolted against the #Roman oppressors. The #GreatJewishRevolt, which initially showed some success for the #Jews, eventually ended in catastrophe, as the #Romans conquered the city of #Jerusalem and destroyed the #HerodianTemple, which at that time had been hailed as the most beautiful and important religious structure in the world.
After a #SecondJewishRevolt against the #Romans in the year 132 CE, the #Romans decided to completely destroy the city of #Jerusalem and to ban the #Jews from their homeland, thus beginning the #JewishDiaspora which would last for the next 2000 years.
Throughout the millennia, #Jews have yearned to return to #Jerusalem in order to build a #ThirdTemple. Since they could not go up to the #TempleMount for prayer services, a tradition developed to pray at the western retaining wall of the #TempleMount, which had remained intact despite all the destruction. The idea was to pray at a spot that is physically as close as possible to the former #HolyOfHolies of the #Temple. Today, the #WesternWallPlaza functions as an open air #synagogue, which is open 24/7.
Like what you see in this video? There is much more to explore in the magnificent and mysterious city of #Jerusalem. As a #TourGuide, I organize and guide private, completely customized #JerusalemTours and #IsraelTours . If you want to learn how to turn your next visit to #Israel into a unique, once-in-a-lifetime experience, then get in touch with through any of the channels listed below.
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Filming date:
Sunday, 10 October 2021
Filming time:
07:57 AM
23° C / 76° F
Coordinates of walk:
Starting Point - 31.776674, 35.233932
End Point - 31.776697, 35.234232
Western Wall: Orthodox Jews' Morning Prayer
GeruselemeGierusakemeGierusalemeJersalemJerualemJerusalemJerusalenJeruslmJeruslmaeJeruslmenJeruxalemJeruzalemJesulaemJreusalemJreuslameJwerusalemJwrusalemYerushalayimYerushalimIsraelIsralIsrealIsrelIzraeIzraelIzrealIsrael Video TourIsrael Virtual TourJerusalem Video TourJerusalem Virtual TourVideo TourVirtual TourAncient TownOld CityOld JerulsamOld JerusalemOld TownWsetern WallKoiselKotelTemple MountJerusalem TempleShaharis