Bromeliad - Red pineapple - Ananas comosus - Ananas - Ananas bracteatus - is a large terrestrial species of bromeliad that grows 100 centimetres dark green leaves that fade red to pink when exposed to sunlight. The long spiny leaves are characterized by "broad, cream and green, longitudinal stripes that are suffused with pink when grown in good light." When it flowers it blossoms typical pineapple fruit; it is similar to Ananas comosus but far more prolific. :
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Ananasplantan - Ananas comosus - er fræplanta af ættinni Bromeliaceae. Hún vex villt í Mið- og Suður-Ameríku en hefur verið flutt og ræktuð til nytja víða annars staðar svo sem til margra Asíu- og Afríkuríkja. Ananasplantan er með 30-40 stíf og safarík blöð sem mynda oft rósettulaga krans umhverfis þykkan og sterklegan stöngul. Hjá villtum afbrigðum myndast blóm efst á plöntunni sem með auknum þroska gildna og renna saman og mynda þannig ávöxt sem í daglegu tali er nefndur ananas. Ananasávöxturinn er fullmyndaður fimm til sex mánuðum eftir að plantan blómstrar. Ananas ávöxturinn hjá ræktuðum afbrigðum er venjulega um eitt til tvö kg að þyngd en minni hjá villtum jurtum. Elstu frásagnir af ananasplöntunni eru frá landkönnuðunum Kristófer Kólumbus, Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés og Sir Walter Raleigh. Raleigh fann villtan ananas í Vestur-Indíum þar sem innfæddir nýttu hann til matar- og víngerðar. Sjá meira: [ Ссылка ]
In 1493, Christopher Columbus first saw plants of this genus in Guadeloupe. It was brought from Brazil to Europe by the Portuguese, and from there was distributed to the Pacific Islands by the Spanish and the English. Commercial pineapple plantations were established in Hawaii, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, Florida and Cuba. The pineapple has become one of the world's most popular fruits. The tough leaves grow in large rosettes, arising basally from a crown. These leaves are long and lanceolate with a serrate or thorny margin. The flowers, arising from the heart of the rosette, each have their own sepals. They grow into a compact head on a short, robust stalk. The sepals become fleshy and juicy and develop into the well-known complex form of the pseudocarp fruit, crowned by a rosette of leaves. Ananas species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Batrachedra comosae, which feeds exclusively on A. comosus. See more: [ Ссылка ]
Bromelain purified from pineapple stem or fresh juice, then provided in the diet over six months, decreased the severity of colonic inflammation in mice with experimental colitis. In commercial farming, flowering can be induced artificially, and the early harvesting of the main fruit can encourage the development of a second crop of smaller fruits. Once removed during cleaning, the top of the pineapple can be planted in soil and a new plant will grow. Slips and suckers are planted commercially. See more: [ Ссылка ]
Filmed with Panasonic Lumix DMC- TZ20 camera.
David Rudwick - Gardens and Greenhouse at work - West Lavington. horticulture
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