Sarah, a Canadian citizen, was allegedly killed by her husband, Shahnawaz Amir, the son of renowned journalist Ayaz Amir. Shahnawaz was apprehended on September 23 last year, accused of killing his wife at a farmhouse in Islamabad's Shahzad Town, just a day after her return from Dubai, where she had been working. He remains in police custody, as a district and sessions court indicted both him and his mother, Samina Shah, in December last year, in connection with the murder case.
On July 20, 2021, Noor, the daughter of former diplomat Shaukat Mukadam, was tragically found brutally murdered in Islamabad's upscale F-7/4 sector. Following the discovery of her body, Zahir Jaffer was arrested as the prime suspect in her case. On February 24, 2022, a trial court in Islamabad sentenced Jaffer to death for Noor's murder. He was also found guilty of rape and sentenced to 25 years of rigorous imprisonment, along with a fine of Rs200,000.
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