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Hello guys welcome to Javarevisited channel in today’s video I will show you guys how to create a Tic Tac Toe game in Java. So let’s get started.
Specific features to consider:
The program prints out a 3x3 board filled with dashes, signifying empty spots.
Each turn it asks either player 1 or player 2 to enter a row and column index which is where they want to place their x and o, and then the board is printed again with the x or o in the right spot.
If the position the player entered is “off the board” or already has an x or o on it, then our program notifies the player, who is prompted to enter another row and column.
Once the player wins by getting 3 in a row, column, or diagonal, the program prints that player 1 or 2 has won and prints out the final board.
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I have also posted a GitHub link to the code.
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Tic Tac Toe
Full Transcript
hello guys welcome to chibago's channel in today's video i will show you guys how to create a tic tac toe game in java so let's get started so firstly i will talk about the specific features to consider so the program will brings out a tree is pretty powerful with that shape signifying empty spots each turn it asks in the player one of the two to enter a row and column index which is where they want to place the x r o and then the ball is printed again with the s or o in the right box if the position the player enter is of the call r already has an sro on it then our realm notifies the player who is prompted to enter another row and column once the player wins magnetic three in a row column of diagonal the program brings that blade one or two has one and brings out the final pawn and we follow this order to implement our solution so first we will create a tic-tac-toe part and fill it with that next we create a function that draws the part like a square and after that you keep track of the players turn and what symbol they are using and we keep asking the user to enter a row and column until they are valid we will set the right position on the call to the proposing point and then we will function that checks if the player has won after that we will check if the game has ended in a time and finally use a loop to keep the game going so first here i will create a 3 history array that represents our tic-tac-toe call and after that uh we will initialize our problem with that sheet and each last stitch uh represent for an empty position and we need to input the name of player 1 and blade 2 so we will write a scanner and ask the player for their names
and after two players in the boot the name we will write a play one pulling that is true if it displays one turn and phones it is player juice turn
next, we created again any pulling and use it as the condition in the while loop
here while the game is still fun the loop will keep continuing
the function here is for rolling the ball I will show you here we'll draw the tic-tac-toe pawn using a for loop and the inner for loop brings out each row of the ball and the outer for loop will bring out a column and this green statement makes a new line so that each row is on a separate line so uh after we brought a call we bring whose turn is if it is played one turn will bring our blade one uh name blush with the turn and similar to blur 2 next we create a car variable let's toss either sro based on what players turn it is so uh I said the default player one will be x and play two will be o then we create a row and column variables which represent intensity that corresponds to a position on our pawn
#TicTacToe #Example #100DaysOfCode #Java
Java Project - How to Create a Tic Tac Toe Games
Java Project - How to Create a Tic Tac Toe Games with Examplejava Java Project - How to Create a Tic Tac Toe GamesJava Project - How to Create a Tic Tac Toe GamesJavaJava Project - How to Create a Tic Tac Toe Games simpleProjectTic Tac Toe GameCreate Tic Tac Toe GameJava projectjava projectsjava projects with source codejava project tutorialjava project ideajava project ideas for beginnersTic Tac Toe javatic tac toe java programjava game development