Punishment from KV! KV-2 - WoT #shorts
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The KV-2 is a Soviet tier 6 heavy tank.
Heavy assault tank. Developed on the basis of the KV-1 in January 1940, with a total of 334 vehicles manufactured from 1940 through 1941. The KV-2 tanks were used in action in 1941, with most of the vehicles lost the same year.
Combining exceptional firepower with a relatively cumbersome, poorly-armored, and slow platform, the KV-2 is one of the most unique and fun tanks in the game. With its 152 mm howitzer, it is a dangerous opponent against anything it is likely to face, dealing heavy damage or crippling modules of even heavily armored tanks using its powerful high explosive rounds. However, it is itself quite vulnerable to most guns it is likely to face, and has its own weaknesses to balance.
The KV-2 leads to the SU-152.
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Punishment from KV! KV-2 - WoT #shorts
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