This stuff is dangerous! Although the mill itself has all the dangers of a bandsaw, and the blade should be avoided due to obvious reasons, the most dangerous aspect of milling is log / cant handling. Please be careful! Working with bearings and pullers can create all kinds of forces and danger, I am not responsible for improper techniques! Working with sharp blades needs to be done with extreme care. Please be careful!
Up today is the replacement of the non driven wheel belt on my hm126. I have a regular v belt that is too small, and the next size up was too big. I suspect the smaller belt is correct, but they don't have much stretch to them and since I don't have a proper machine, are basically impossible to mount. Enter POLY V Belt .... this one has stretch and according to Woodland Mills, will last 5x as long. I started using my mill in 2013, and so it has been through 4 seasons of use. So I anticipate replacing the next belt in 20 years... 2037? yikes. Anyway, just need some clamps here and a couple large screwdrivers and you are good! Thanks for watching!