Catch the highlights from the first Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK) conference led by Thalapathy Vijay. In an electrifying gathering, Vijay unveiled his vision for a new era in Tamil Nadu’s political landscape, sharing powerful messages on social justice, youth empowerment, and economic progress. Held in Vikravandi, this event has set the stage for a new chapter in Vijay's journey as a political leader, sparking conversations across the state. Watch how Thalapathy Vijay aims to inspire change!#ThalapathyVijay #TVKManadu2024 #TamilPolitics #ThalapathyForChange #TVKLaunch #TamilNaduPolitics #YouthEmpowerment #SocialJusticeTN #PoliticalTransformation #Vikravandi
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