The “My Last Day” story unfolds through the eyes of a criminal who receives the same brutal crucifixion sentence as Christ. "My Last Day" is a short film of regret, repentance and redemption. In a beautiful animé style, a prisoner watches as Jesus gets flogged in Pilate's courtyard. He remembers Jesus teaching and wonders why they're hurting an innocent man. Horrified, he remembers his own crime.
The crowds in the courtyard scream for Jesus to be crucified. The thief, another man, and Jesus are loaded with the beams for their crosses and march to Golgotha. They arrive and nails are driven through their wrists. Each man is hung on a cross, their feet nailed to a wooden shelf. Our thief claims that Jesus is the Messiah and asks that Jesus remember him. Jesus promises him they will be in paradise together that day. A dark storm overwhelms the hill and Jesus dies. The thief passes away with a gasp and sees Jesus in a beautiful place.
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My Last Day (Nepali) HD
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