Sadly, I will not be reviewing these albums:
1. DJ Shadow- The Less You Know the Better
2. Giraffes? Giraffes!- Pink Magick
3. Kimbra- Vows
4. Warbringer- Worlds Torn Asunder
5. Bush- The Sea of Memories
6. Jane's Addiction- The Great Escape Artist
7. Cymbals Eat Guitars- Lenses Alien
8. Real Estate- Days
9. Zola Jesus- Conatus
10. Wavves- Life Sux
11. Puscifer- Conditions of My Parole
12. Steven Wilson- Grace for Drowning
My apologies, y'all. I hate to disappoint, but I don't think these releases will make for very interesting or positive reviews. Didn't wanna leave you guys totally hanging. I thought I'd give some short thoughts on these in this video. Thank you, and have a good day every day. Love yourself. Enjoy life. Be good. Be strong. Be awesome.
y u no reviewthe needle dropreviewmusicsteven wilsongrace for drowningopethpusciferwavveszola jesusreal estatecymbals eat guitarsjanes addictionbushwarbringerkimbragiraffesdj shadowthe less you know the betterpink magicktom veklittle dragonthe sea of memoriesvowsdaysconatuslife suxi wanna meet dave grohlconditions of my paroletool