Just as the Victorian era is incorrectly portrayed as a period of demureness, misconceptions about the British monarchy – specifically, Queen Victoria – are equally persistent. In reality, crazy stories about the royal family abound from Victoria's court, the most well-known of which typically have to do with the standards Victoria set for Victorian mourning customs. However, despite accounts of her puritanical tendencies, Victoria was actually quite fond of sex and had a deep appreciation for the naked human form. Even the contents of her grave – the things she wanted to be interred with for eternity – had some highly sexual overtones that spoke to the question of what sex was like during the Victorian era.
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Unusual Facts You Never Knew About Queen Victoria
Who Was Queen VictoriaFacts About Queen VictoriaQueen Victoria's LifeThe Reign of Queen VictoriaQueen VictoriaWeird HistoryWeird History Victorian eraBritish MonarchyBuckingham Palacepregnancy and motherhoodRoyal BloodlineHemophiliasurvived assassination attemptsPrince Albert diedVictorian Era EnglandBritish Historylong reignDressed in blackpersonal tragedybeloved queenStrong womenSir John ConroyDrunk HistoryToday I learnedUK