Hair feeling a little dry or damaged? Coconut Oil is the perfect fix! You can use Coconut Oil to deep condition your hair and I'll show you how!
Costco ( Can't beat the Price) Coconut Oil: [ Ссылка ]
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In this class I will show you how you can easily deep condition your hair with something you probably already have in your house, Coconut Oil! Make sure to use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Can you deep condition your hair with coconut oil? How long should you keep coconut oil in your hair? Is it an over night conditioner? How do you deep condition with coconut oil? I'll answer all the questions you have in this tutorial on deep conditioning with coconut oil. I started doing this after I had an incident with a flat iron that was gifted to me, it fried my hair! My hair was fried, not cool! And so I deep conditioned my hair with coconut oil along with a few other things and my hair is back to normal, maybe even better than normal. Coconut oil also does other things for your hair. Coconut oil prevents hair breakage. Coconut oil acts as moisturizer for your hair and your scalp. Coconut oil is a natural way to fight frizz. Coconut oil is a natural way to help you get rid of dandruff. Coconut oil helps prevent and remove lice. Coconut oil gets gum out of your hair and Coconut oil helps promote hair growth!
Oh coconut oil what can't you do?!