Overall, the Corsair K55 is a good keyboard for the cost. If you want app specific macro keys, RGB backlighting, and do not want mechanical keys’ then it’s a good choice. BUT...here are 4 reason NOT to buy.
00:00 Intro
00:28 4 reason NOT to buy
01:52 Outro
#1 – Hand fatigue
I work from home most of the time.
Often doing a lot of copying and pasting and I found that my fingers started to feel tired by the end of the day.
Hand fatigue is not something I ever felt on another keyboard.
My last keyboard had a membrane but with low profile keys which I guess must have helped.
#2 – The iCue software
Originally this keyboard was not supported by iCue. But now you can use it to set application specific macros and backlighting... Which is what I bought this keyboard for. The issue is…
It’s over 1GB to download! I tend to like lightweight programs – and ones that do not crash sometimes.
At one point I had to go to Settings, Apps, click on iQue, then modify, and repair the application, just to get the macros to work again.
It a good program that can do a lot of things that I don’t need. And I haven’t had any issues since.
#3 – The LED indicator lights
One reviewer called then distracting. I would say annoying. I had to cover them with white electrical tape to soften them a bit.
and #4- The corner of the wrist pad was sharp and would poke into my leg when I sat cross legged. So I used a wood rasp and a nail file to round the edges.
If none of these issues matter to you, go out and buy the thing. Its pretty good value for money. And please like, subscribe, comment if this was helpful. Peace.
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Alternate titles
Corsair K55 Review
How to fix icue macros not working
How to repair iCue
Corsair K55 Review - 4 Reasons I Regret Buying
Corsair K55corsair k55 reviewgaming keyboardfix icue macros not workingcorsair k55 keyboardmacro keysapp specific macro keysRGB backlighting keyboardmembrane keyshand fatigue keyboardicue software problemsrepair icue softwareLED indicator lightsPointy wrist padnon mechanical gaming keyboardcorsair keyboard k55keyboard review4 Reasons I Regret Buying2021gold coast youtubertech reviewergold coastgold coast australia