There is a global semiconductor chip shortage that has been causing havoc for semiconductor manufacturers, automotive producers & many other companies throughout the semiconductor supply chain.
Semiconductors are the chips that power so many of the electrical devices that we use everyday and there is now a global shortage of these semiconductor chips – in today’s video we explain what is causing the semiconductor shortage.
Many global automakers have been affected by the semiconductor chip shortage and nations & companies around the world have been focusing on securing inventory of semiconductors to ensure they can complete their business operations.
The Semiconductor chip shortage has the potential to materially impact global markets and so this video is a guide into what has caused the semiconductor chip shortage and what the semiconductor chip shortage could mean for markets moving forward.
The following timestamps have been included to guide your viewing experience:
00:00 – Welcome
00:57 - What Are Semiconductor Chips?
03:00 - What Is Causing The Semiconductor Chip Shortage?
06:20 - How Long Could This Semiconductor Chip Shortage Go For?
08:23 - What Happens Now For The Semiconductor Chip Shortage?
#Semiconductors #ChipShortage #ChipShortage2021
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