level tips:
- practice the last rocket part good
- especially in the beginning the jumps are all timed on the music, use it for the triple spike jumps
- it could be smart to put a checkpoint at 0:54 and try to continue from there (auto checkpoints off)
general tips:
- try not to hold to jump
- listen to the music, most jumps are timed on it
- use practice mode
- dont give up!
Lvl 8 - Time machine + tips & tricks - Geometry Dash
skill difficulthardimpossiblegamelvl 2lvl 3lvl 4lvl 5lvl 6lvl 7lvl 8lvl 9lvl 10lvl 11lvl 12lvl 13lvl 14arcusaeternatipsandtricksbackontrackpolargeistdryoutbaseaftercan'tletgojumperjumpstimemachinecyclesXStepclutterfunktheoryofeveryhtingelectromanadventuresclubstepelectrodynamixhexagonforceplatformerrythmbasedmusicipodipadGeometrydashmediuminsanedemonGeometry DashPlatform Game (Video Game Genre)