Vse je zvok in ritem. Ustvarjanje ritmičnega zvočnega valovanja s šamanskimi bobni iz Hakasije/Sibirije in z afriško džembo vsidruje kozmično v zemeljsko, duhovno v snovno, neslišno v slišno...
Everything is sound and rhythm. Creating rhythmical sound oscillation with the shamanic drums of Khakassia/Siberia and the African jemba drum anchors the cosmic into the earthly, the spiritual into the material, the inaudible into audible ...
VEDUN -- ansambel za meditativno in transcendentalno izkušnjo zvoka, za oživljanje ljudskih pesmi in šamanskih glasbil ljudstev sveta ter kanalizirani zdravilni zvok, porojen iz ansambla Trutamora Slovenica, ki že več kot 30 let raziskuje, ohranja in oživlja slovensko in evropsko ljudsko glasbeno izročilo.
Ansambel Vedun (dr. Mira Omerzel - Mirit, Mojka Žagar, Tine Omerzel Terlep) v transcendentalnem stanju zavesti kanalizira vódeni ali zdravilni zvok ali energijsko-frekvenčno valovanje Izvorne Kozmične Inteligence. Pri tem uporablja ljudska in šamanska glasbila ljudstev sveta, ki so jih različne etnične skupine uporabljale za duhovno zdravljenje in duhovno samouresničevanje. Izvajalci so mediji za urejajoči zvok, ki prihaja s kozmičnim vodstvom za uravnovešanje telesa in duha.
Izvajalci na meditativni način in v transcendentalnem stanju zavesti izvajajo starosvetne ljudske pesmi različnih kultur in duhovnih tradicij ter jih bogatijo z nikoli ponovljivim kanaliziranim zvokom trenutka, ki ob vsaki priložnosti na neponovljiv način spontano »steče« skoznje. Neslišni zvok višjih ravni zavesti tako postane slišen in učinkovit. V celovito zvočno tkanje ansambel vselej povezuje tehnologijo zvoka, pozabljeno duhovno izročilo in modrost prednikov.
VEDUN -- ensemble for meditative music and transcendental experience of sound, for the revival of folk songs and shamanic instruments of the peoples of the world as well as channelled sound, was born from the Trutamora Slovenica ensemble, which has been studying, preserving and reviving Slovenian and European folk musical heritage for over 30 years.
The Vedun ensemble (Mira Omerzel -- Mirit (PhD), Mojka Žagar, Tine Omerzel Terlep) channels guided or healing sound or energy-frequency oscillations of the Source Cosmic Intelligence in a transcendental state of consciousness. It uses folk and shamanic instruments of world peoples, which have been used by diverse ethnic groups in the past in order to generate spiritual healing and spiritual self-realisation. The performers act as mediums for the sound with arranging qualities, transferred by way of cosmic guidance to balance our body and mind.
In a meditative way and through transcendental states of consciousness, the performers present ancient folk songs from diverse cultures and spiritual traditions, enriching them with an unrepeatable channelled sound of that particular moment, "flowing" through them spontaneously at each occasion. The inaudible sound of the higher levels of consciousness thus becomes audible and effective. The ensemble always intertwines the technology of sound, the forgotten spiritual heritage and wisdom of our ancestors.
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