We travel deep into the jungle of borneo looking for some of the biggest ORANGUTANS in the world. We survive out there with these creatures for 3 DAYS and get FACE TO FACE with the PEOPLE OF THE FOREST. We share 97% of the same DNA as these great apes, sadly due to mainly deforestation in the past 80 years, their population has decreased by around 80% in the wild. Our goal is to raise awareness for this species and shed a light on what is really going on over here.
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Indonesian Subtitles
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Kami melakukan perjalanan jauh ke dalam hutan kalimantan mencari beberapa ORANGUTAN terbesar di dunia. Kami bertahan hidup di luar sana dengan makhluk-makhluk ini selama 3 HARI dan BERTEMU DENGAN ORANG-ORANG HUTAN. Kami berbagi 97% DNA yang sama dengan kera besar ini, sayangnya karena penggundulan hutan dalam 80 tahun terakhir, populasi mereka telah menurun sekitar 80% di alam liar. Tujuan kami adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan spesies ini dan menjelaskan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di sini.
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Surviving 3 DAYS in ORANGUTAN JUNGLE Borneo! Pt 3
orangutanapeworlds biggestamazing animalssecret life of orangutansurvival challengesolo survivalfunny orangutananimals borneoborneo orangutanorangutan attackheld hostage by orangutancute orangutanworlds biggest king cobrabitten byvenomous snakesnake biteuninhabited rainforestanimals australiaanimal attack caught on cameraSteve irwingorillamonkeydeadly animalsvenomous