So here's the first official Longplay for this channel. Zone of the Enders HD Edition for PS3.
I'm not particularly the best at the game but that wasn't really the point of me doing this. Just wanted to do this for fun, as a test to see how much hard drive space recordings would take up exactly and just to get a playthrough of a game that I enjoy up.
This being one of the shorter games I own I thought it was perfect for a first longplay.
I wasn't particularly sure if I should've edited the deaths/wandering around bits out. But I left them in anyway. For the next longplay I do of whatever game let me know if I should edit out deaths or mistakes. I guess I just felt the playthrough should be as "real/authentic" as possible to my playstyle and stuff. It's been a little bit since I'd played this though so at moments it'll be pretty obvious that I don't know what I'm doing/where I'm going mainly cause I forgot. In the end I remember where to go though. Though I'm not sure if people want to watch that. So just let me know I guess.
If you've got any suggestions for a game I should longplay next just let me know in the comments. Kinda doubt I'll get suggestions though so I'll probably just pick something out of my collection of games soon enough.
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