During our trip northbound, we had the opportunity to visit Jake and fly in his 1941 Piper Cub. Fall foliage, glassy water, and old airplanes - the makings of a solid short film. Thanks again to all who helped make this video possible.
Shot on Canon EOS cameras in native 4K.
Music from Epidemic Sound.
STILL WATER 4K | An Aviation Short Film
flyingpiper cubj-3cubADKupstate nynew yorkadirondackadirondack mountainshigh peaks regionradiofloat planecessna on floatssuper cub on floatssupercubsuper cubstealthgoose4kcanonRED cinemaREDadobelessonairplanes19411943 cubyellow planeairfolliagefall folliagenew england fallvermont fallnew hampshireorange treeswakewingwing sparphoneiphone 13iphone 12lensenginetakeofflandingfloat plane landingseaplanesea plane