Title: Smart 3D Microtechnologies for Biology and Human Health
Abstract: In the future, it is envisioned that living systems will be integrated with sensors and actuators to enable two-way information transfer. Also, future medicine will incorporate miniaturized machines with mechanisms for shape change, self-latching and smart robotic intervention. I will describe our research on next generation 3D microstructured materials and mechanized devices for interfacing cells, organoids, and humans. These microtechnologies feature three dimensionality, shape-change, biomolecular programmability, mechanical compliance and integrated sensing and actuation of widespread relevance to biomedical engineering, human health, diagnostics, drug delivery and surgery. The technologies leverage ultrathin and biocompatible materials, self-folding and transfer printing processing paradigms and heterogenous and hybrid materials integration. They utilize mechanisms such as the triggered release of residual stress or differential swelling to power and enable functions such as gripping, self-latching, stimuli responsive locomotion and 2D to 3D reconfigurability. Applications include theragrippers, microinjectors, organoid intelligence, biointerfacing tattoos, programmable soft robots, and single cell manipulation tools.
Bio: David Gracias is a Professor at the Johns Hopkins University with a primary appointment in the Whiting School of Engineering and secondary appointments in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Prof. Gracias received his PhD from UC Berkeley and did post-doctoral research at Harvard University prior to starting his independent laboratory. He has made pioneering contributions to micro and nanotechnology as described in over 200 technical publications, including several in high impact journals such as Science. He is also a prolific inventor and holds 36 issued US patents, with notable inventions on microchip integration, self-folding polyhedra, integrated biosensors, programmable soft-robots and untethered microgrippers. He is an elected Fellow of diverse international scientific and engineering societies, including AAAS, IEEE, APS, RSC, and AIMBE.
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