Ever wondered what would happen when overconfident aliens discover humanity's true nature? This story follows James Rodriguez, a Marine veteran turned diplomatic liaison, who delivers the most unsettling history lesson the Galactic Council has ever received.
When a group of advanced alien species mock humanity's "primitive" warfare capabilities, they have no idea what they're about to learn. Watch as their condescending amusement turns to horror when James casually explains why humans needed to create the Geneva Convention - not because we're peaceful, but because we're too creative at warfare.
From weaponized coffee creamer to orbital kinetic bombardment, this tale showcases humanity's terrifying ingenuity through the eyes of increasingly disturbed alien diplomats. Witness their reaction as they realize that a species needing rules to prevent war crimes might be scarier than one that never thought to make them.
Featuring: Aliens Thought Humans Were Harmless Until a Marine Explained What "War Crimes" Meant | HFY | SCI FI
- Sarcastic Marine veteran explaining human warfare
- Horrified alien diplomats learning about the Geneva Convention
- Humanity's creative approach to weaponry
- The infamous coffee creamer incident
- Diplomatic chaos and panic
- The "spork incident" that no one dares to discuss
Perfect for fans of:
- Humanity F*** Yeah (HFY)
- Military Science Fiction
- First Contact stories
- Dark humor
- Space diplomacy gone wrong
Watch as the Galactic Council upgrades humanity's threat level from "Mostly Harmless" to "OH NO" in this darkly humorous tale about why you should never underestimate humanity's capacity for creative destruction.
#HFY #SciFi #SpaceOpera #MilitarySciFi #FirstContact #AlienStories #SpaceDiplomacy #HumansAreSpaceOrcs #CreativeWriting #ScienceFiction #Storytelling #MilitaryStories
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