Sumur is the first mission of the era of Ramses II and his first duty as the Pharaoh is to establish a sea port in Lebanon to ship back valuable commodities to Egypt.
This map is small and there's very little places to put down docks. The two small islands on the left center of the map will be very useful for fishing wharves as the only food item in this map is fish, with 3 available for import. Also a stream cuts off access to the large amount of land, so you'll need to use a bridge and multiple ferry landings.
Begin building quickly. Requests start very early and they are usually quite big. Build a small community and evolve it as high as possible. You will immediately notice that you cannot make or import clay or barley so you will have to import the finished goods of Pottery and Beer. Distribution problems are a given in this mission with housing likely to continue devolving due to the poor dock space available.
Open trade routes with as many cities as possible to export Wood, Linen, Copper, Weapons and Luxury Goods. Gems and Flax must be imported to produce Linen and Lux Goods. There's only enough space for 2 Copper Mines at best and the copper vein is very close to a pack of lions so use statues to box the lions in to stop them attacking people left, right and center. You will notice that a trade route is already open from the start of the mission: a land based route from Qadesh, who will sell you Gems and Oil. On the subject of Oil, store about 800 jars of oil in a storage yard as it is a very common request from Waset and fulfilling them grants you free granite that is a requirement of the mission.
Once the settlement is going and you have exports of Wood, Copper, Linen, Weapons and Luxury Goods happening, build a medium sized army in preparation for an attack. 2 Charioteer and Infantry companies with Academy training will be enough to deal with the 2 invasions that are triggered by an Extortion request. Qadesh will demand some gems from you and either fulfilling it late or not at all will cause the trade route to close permanently and trigger an invasion or two. I have no idea what happens if you fulfill the extortion request: kingdom rating drop or another extortion request ?
After the invasions have passed, simply continue to fulfil the requests, build more housing blocks and import 100 granite for the small obelisk that Ramses wants built here. On the note of requests, fulfilling them on time will grant you large gifts of food, which you will absolutely need. Gifts will come throughout the mission all the time and it'd be wise to accept them. You'll also come across major problems with Sumur due to it's design: food distribution.
Once you've got a stable city, build the obelisk and meet the objectives to complete Sumur!
This part covers building up the city, getting exports going and preparing for the invasions. Next part deals with just general stuff to get to the ratings required and fulfilling more requests, including building the obelisk.
Pharaoh Walkthrough: Mission 28 - Sumur [1/2]
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