In June 2009, the Sacred Earth and Healing Arts Tour of Tibet was hosted by Sierra Friends of Tibet for the 9th annual construction of a sacred sand mandala. This year saw the construction of ht Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala.
Deer Creek is Sacred to the Tsi Akim Maidu Tribe of Indigenous People Native to California and runs through Nevada City California.
A peaceful and non violent people, the Maidu were virtually wiped out during the California Gold Rush... where a bounty of $50 per dead "Indian" was placed on the heads of Men, Women and Children. A slight remnant of the noble Tsi Akim survive in Nevada County. The tribe is seeking to hang onto and restore their fragile cultural heritage... exactly what we are seeking to prevent from happening to the Tibetan people.
Here Council Chief Don Reiberg is invited by the Gaden Shartse Sacred Earth and Healing Arts of Tibet Tour - to participate in the dissolution of the Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala. Don passes a sacred Eagle feather over the mandala prior to dissolution.
Following, the sand is taken to a small spot in Nevada City, California dedicated to the Maidu and offered to the elemental forces so abused during the gold rush, followed finally by offering the sand to Deer Creek, considered sacred by the Maidu and obliterated and poisoned during the gold era. May we acquire wisdom from our mistakes and peace prevail:)
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